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Vision and Values

Every club should be clear about its vision and values.

 A 'Vision and Values' document explains your club’s philosophy, your goals and objectives and maybe even your motto.

Why is it important?

It provides the club with a sense of identity and can help everyone understand the type of club you want, what you want for the club’s future and who you are trying to reach.

As well as outlining goals and the club’s future direction, it also defines limits – the type of club you’re not trying to be, the people you’re not trying to reach. For example, you might just want to focus on juniors and not adults. The club might not be able to be all things to all people – and that’s ok.

Putting these documents in place, sharing them with all members and making them publicly available at the outset will help with decision making within the club. Think of it as the foundations to a building.

Who writes it?

This document sets the tone and direction for the whole club for many years to come so it’s important to involve your members, your board directors, parents, club alumni and so on.

How often is it reviewed? 

That’s up to the club. But it’s important to regularly check the documents are still meaningful and possibly make amends if necessary, again with the input of the club as a whole.

But where do I start?

Think long-term and big picture. A Vision should describe the future for a club that inspires members, staff and supporters.

Describe how things would be different as a result of the club’s efforts or how you might be perceived by others.

There are no formal rules so it’s what works for you.

Include a Mission Statement

 This should be a short description of your club’s purpose in easy to understand language.

Where your Vision is looking towards the future, your Mission is usually more practical and doesn’t change too often over time. It is a contract for ethical behavior in which all members of the club are to follow.

Here are some examples (but remember, these are just designed to get you thinking – your Mission Statement should be unique to your club and represent the values of its members):

To promote and provide playing opportunities to individuals at all abilities and ages and to enhance the sporting experience of club members

The club will foster the growth and development of (insert the sport or activity) in (insert area/town etc.) providing learning opportunities in a safe, equitable and child friendly environment.

To provide (insert the sport or activity) within (insert area) by providing an environment where all individuals can play recreationally and competitively whilst maintaining a safe, child friendly and equitable environment.’

To provide opportunities for all players to reach their potential.

(Insert club name) are committed to providing the best possible environment for our players to reach their maximum playing potential through excellence in coaching and support

Club Values

Values are the core beliefs that shape the way people behave and make decisions. They provide a framework for how members treat one another and how they treat others such as potential members and other clubs.

Once agreed and shared, these values will help the club attract members, volunteers and leaders to contribute effectively to the shared purpose.

Here are some examples:


Questions about our club are welcomed

  • Accountable

We will be transparent about what, how and why we operate the way we do

  • Dedication

We expect all members to make a commitment to the club and to its teams

  • Enjoyable

Participating should enhance people’s natural enjoyment of sport

  • Excellence

We set, work towards, and achieve the highest standards

  • Integrity

We act in a fair and consistent and transparent manner

  • Professional

Club representatives will conduct themselves in all their dealings in a way that confers and earns respect, and demonstrates integrity

  • Respect

Respect your fellow teammates, coaches, and club, and support them to your utmost in your team endeavours. We believe in fair play.

  • Service Orientated

Participants should feel that they got the best possible experience and good value for the time and money that they have committed