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Support Organisations

There are different organisations that can provide support to you:

Local Authorities – Each local authority has officers that are responsible for sport, culture and leisure. They will be able to provide guidance if you are finding the application process difficult. If you cannot find the department you need on the council’s website, call the switchboard and ask to be put through to a sports development officer. (Your sport development team might be part of a leisure trust in your area).

National Governing Bodies (NGBs) - These organisations administer and govern sport at a UK or Wales level. If you are finding any part of the application process difficult, do reach out to your NGB who can help you. A list of NGBs can be found here.

Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) - is the national membership body for all voluntary organisations in Wales, including sport. It has a wide range of helpful information on its website. If your organisation operates in a specific local authority area, you can also access direct support from your local County Voluntary Council (CVC). You can find a list of CVCs here.

The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) - is the independent umbrella body which supports and represents the sport sector in Wales.

It provides a wide range of business support services including HR, financial and legal helplines. A wide range of governance document templates can be downloaded from their website and they also offer training. If you are affiliated to a National Governing Body that is a member of the WSA, you can access these benefits for free.

Details of some other organisations who might be able to provide support can be found on the Club Support pages.