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Innovative support for our Coaching Leads

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  3. Innovative support for our Coaching Leads

A group of Coaching Leads from across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are taking part in an innovative learning programme to help them ensure that coaching within their respective sports meets the needs of participants and helps to reduce the inequalities which exist in sport.

The Coaching Leaders Programme – a collaboration between Sport Wales, Sport Northern Ireland and sportscotland – has provided opportunities to learn from other experienced Coaching Leads within the three Home Nations, as well as many external experts. 

The role of a Coaching Lead is to lead, develop and influence how coaches, and coaching, is developed and supported within their sports.

The Coaching Leaders Programme has covered a wide range of topics including inclusive leadership, effective coach development, leading change, and understanding their role and influence in the sport system.

There are 16 Coaching Leads enrolled on the programme, with six leads from within Welsh sport among the cohort: Rob Franklin (football), Sarah Wagstaff (basketball), Graeme Antwhistle (swimming), Gareth Evans (boxing), Holly Broad (gymnastics) and Tim Matthews (cycling).

The programme has been running since May 2023 and has so far consisted of three residentials and three webinars. The fourth and final residential takes place in Chepstow in mid-March, where participants will create their own action and development plans to proceed with. 

But the support won’t end there. The current group of participants will then benefit from a further 12 months of support to implement their identified areas for development. This support could include one-to-one mentoring, peer-to-peer support or access to a panel of coaching and subject experts, depending on their needs.

Participants in the Coaching Leaders Programme
A group of Coaching Leads from across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are taking part in the programme.


Matt Wenn, Coaching Lead at Sport Wales said: “Creating an effective coach development system that supports coaches to meet the needs of participants is a complex task.

“We want to ensure that the role is ingrained within our sporting system and that we are offering the correct support needed to enable them to develop inclusive and diverse workforce of coaches who will offer excellent sporting experiences to participants and athletes.

“It was clear that there was a lack of accessible support for Coaching Leads in Wales, and across the UK, so we were keen to be a part of a solution that enabled improvement and development.

“This is the most rewarding programme I have been involved in working at Sport Wales.

“One of the greatest parts of it has been the collaboration between the Home Nations. The diversity of thinking, alongside the strengths, experiences and knowledge shared between everyone involved has allowed us to offer something really valuable to the sector.

“I’m looking forward to seeing how the next year develops as our Coaching Leads continue to use the learning that they have gathered to instigate positive change within Welsh sport.

“If you’d like to find out more about the programme, please get in touch with either myself or the six coaching leaders who I’m sure would be happy to share what they’ve learned so far.”

Commenting on her experience of being part of the programme, Sarah Wagstaff - Head of Basketball at Cardiff Metropolitan University – said: “The Coaching Leaders Programme has been great. It has allowed the time and focus for reflection, consideration of roles, and most importantly, how best we develop and support coaches.

“The time together with those from other sports in Wales but also other Home Nations has been so valuable. Building a network and sharing good practice is something I am thankful for.”

Tim Matthews, Coach and Training Lead at Welsh Cycling, said: "The programme has been a real eye opener and has given me the opportunity not only to reflect on my own and Welsh Cycling’s coach development thoughts and systems It has also given me an insight into the issues and solutions of other NGBS across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It has been interesting to look into the science of learning with Kurt Lindley.”

Here are details of the experts who have contributed to the Coaching Leaders programme, in case you’d like to contact them regarding their various areas of expertise:

  1. Dr Anna Stodter - What works in coach learning?
  2. Toby Sawyer - Inclusive leadership
  3. Kurt Lindley - Understanding learning
  4. Mark Irwin - How to build a digital coaching community
  5. Dr Jamie Taylor - Principles of curriculum in athlete and coach learning
  6. Steve McQuaid - Understanding the system
  7. Steve Sallis - Being more creative and strategic in your thinking

Don’t forget that the Welsh Coaching Network provides engagements, workshops and online webinars all-year-round to develop the knowledge, understanding and awareness of the wider coaching networks in Wales. It provides a supportive and challenging learning environment with a focus on improving diversity, inclusion, and person-centred approaches within coaching. To find out more, please email or