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Board Minutes - September 2024

Meeting of the Sport Wales Board on Friday 20 September 2024 at the Village Hotel, Swansea

Present: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson (Chair), Ian Bancroft (Vice Chair), Delyth Evans, Nicola Mead-Batten, Prof Leigh Robinson, Judi Rhys, Rajma Begum, Philip Tilley, Nuria Zolle, Chris Jenkins, Rhian Gibson, Martin Veale, Dafydd Davies, Hannah Bruce

Staff: Brian Davies (CEO), Emma Wilkins, Graham Williams, Owen Lewis, James Owens, Rachel Davies, Wendy Yardley (minutes)

Staff Observers: Neil Emberton (online), Steve Williams

External: Neil Welch (Welsh Government), Abi Adio

1.    Welcome/Apologies for absence

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting, including Steve Williams. Apologies had been received from Princess Onyeanusi.

2.    Declaration of interests (if new)

Board members updated their declarations of interest as follows: -

Ian Bancroft – CEO Wrexham CBC, reiterated his substantive role in relation to any discussion on Sport Partnerships.

Nicola Mead-Batten declared a potential conflict of interest in relation to Anti-Doping through professional connections with UK Anti-Doping.

Rhian Gibson declared a new interest as a trustee of “Adveriad” (a mental healthcare charity).

3.    Minutes of the last meetings

3.1        Minutes, Action Log, Decision Trackers & Matters Arising

Notes from the meeting dated 12 July 2024 were agreed as a true record. One matter arising regarding the information on the Black Swimming Association (BSA) – CEO was to send a brief summary to Board (following the Board meeting). All other actions completed.

3.2        Decision Tracker

No actions outstanding.

4.    Chair & Executive Report – SW(24)22

4.1     The CEO added the following to the report:

  • Welsh Government – Ministerial changes since paper written – NW gave board brief update of new cabinet with a public announcement imminent. CEO met the new UK Government Sec of State for Wales, Jo Stephens MP at an England and Wales Cricket Board meeting – some reserved matters including sport are in her portfolio.
  • Specific attention was drawn on the usefulness of the various international networking opportunities of late such as the INSC in London prior to the Olympics/Paralympics (especially in relation to the experience in Australia and NZ on the varying integrity units that have been established) and the visit to Cardiff by Jim Ellis of Sport New Zealand – Ihi Aotearoa.
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of the Sports Councils’ letter had been received from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch.
  • The Chair spoke to the item on the Olympics/Paralympics and a subsequent meeting with officials from DCMS about the continued isolated focus on medal targets.
  • Senedd Enquiry on 9 October – the Chair and CEO will appear in person, but we have also submitted written evidence. Additionally, there will be workshops with selected bodies organised by the Committee officials. NW – explained there may be changes in Committee membership due to the cabinet reshuffle.
  • WRU update – the Rafferty Review Oversight group has been established; a second response update to the Review published; a new Board is in situ and a high-level strategy unveiled. The WRU is on quarterly payments as we monitor progress against conditions and objectives.
  • BeActiveWales Fund (BAWF) - the temporary pause to BAWF was noted and Board were reassured that this would not impact on the recent positive work to diversify applicants by the Sport Wales Community Investment Advisor
  • Board Governance – the Vice Chair thanked all members for their time in completing appraisals.
  • CWG 2026 – following a busy couple of months, there are positive, ongoing discussions in respect of the potential for Glasgow to be confirmed as the host for 2026 and a repositioning statement on the value of sport has also been submitted to the Commonwealth Heads of Government. Dates and the sport programmes still to be decided but announced in the next few weeks. Chair thanked CJ for the incredible amount of work he’s put in.
  • Plans were in place for the Olympic/Paralympic homecoming event next week. Disability Sport Wales is also holding a Conference on inclusion in partnership with Sport Wales and a Paralympic celebratory evening the week following. A special mention was given to Matt Bush for carrying flag at the closing ceremony and to John McFall for handing over the Paralympic flag at the Games opening ceremony.
  • Members were reminded about the importance of celebrating The National Lottery 30th Birthday (first draw was 19 November 1994) as it is such a key source of our investment income.

5.    Policy & Strategy

5.1        Business Plan Update Report - SW(24)33

A discussion paper on business plan developments since the last meeting. The paper reflects the comments from Board in July, containing more detail on any progress, and candid reflections on any specific risks/challenges. A few specific items were highlighted at the meeting – notably the good progress being made on Sport Partnerships; the positive sector engagement in relation to the future of the Capability Framework and subsequent Accountability approach; and the commissioning process for the end-to-end recruitment review as part of our anti-racist Wales work. The latter process also including the requirements placed upon us by social partnership and public procurement act.

Some of the challenges listed included the delay in the implementation of a new grants financial system and the complexity and risk presented by the uncertainty of the Welsh Governments National Survey for Wales. There have also been some issues with the Home Countries collaborative sustainability work, but there is optimism that a corner had been turned.  

Board expressed concern about some of the challenges, especially the National Survey for Wales but were satisfied that the insight team is looking at all potential mitigations, if required. A specific query was raised about the organisations Hybrid working policy and the CEO agreed to circulate both the policy (that had been developed in partnership with staff and the trade union) together with the impact assessment that had been produced for this and several other connected working policies.
The Board agreed that the report was a more balanced representation of progress against the Business Plan and encouraged the executive to explore how more macro measurements against the strategy and our well-being objectives can be evolved and presented.

Capability Framework - SW(24)34

Board was asked to approve the revised Capability Framework and was also informed about the next immediate steps to its implementation. The revised Capability Framework not only replaces the current framework but also incorporates the Governance and Leadership Framework for Wales (GLFW).

At its meeting in July, Board agreed the five key areas and the headline information to be included within the ‘Core’ and ‘Good Practice’ areas of a revised capability framework, subject to gender parity being retained in the core section of the revised framework to ensure that the good progress made in this area to date was maintained and built upon.

Following additional feedback from Board, partners and subject matter experts some additional specific changes were included and identified in the Paper. Members were keen to impress the importance of the implementation plan and further information will be relayed to Board in due course.  The November Board meeting will likely be informed of developments in the Assurance process.


5.2        Foundations Framework - SW(24)35

An information and update paper on the work and progress with the Foundations Framework Wales (FFW). The Vision talks about everyone having a lifetime enjoyment of sport. However, insight shows a need for improvement in children’s physical activity levels and the need to give children the essential foundations (physical skills, confidence and motivation). Our commitment to this area forms an integral part of the Sport Wales Business Plan priority area, ‘Ensuring young people have a positive experience of sport’.  In response to a call to action from the sector, the FFW has been created by multiple stakeholders. It is a good practice guide for all enablers across Wales involved in delivering, organising, and promoting physical and sporting activities for children aged 3-11 years; it exemplifies what child-centred physical and sporting activity provision should look and feel like. 

Board members discussed the next steps and our role - it was explained that Sport Wales will continue to work with partners to disseminate the FFW and we will help develop accompanying resources and supportive training to clubs and organisations working at a community and grassroots level throughout Autumn 2024.  There was agreement about the necessity of the framework and support for the language and approach used. A specific question was raised about no specific reference to gender in the Impact Assessment – this would be explored.

Other points raised by members included the need to link with similar developments such as Play Wales and Flying Start, etc. It was explained that FFW aligns very much with Play Wales objectives and with our school-based resources, available through Citbag. There will be a digital implementation plan going forward which will be shared with Board.

5.3        Additional Revenue Support - SW(24)36

An information paper to update the Board. Essentially, the Executive and Leadership teams decided to allocate the entire additional sum of revenue support (£1m) from Welsh Government to all Partners that had suffered a cut during the initial budget settlement from Welsh Government in April 2024. The urgent and tight timeline prevented a detailed Board level process from being undertaken but Members were sensitive to, and in agreement with, the pragmatic and supportive approach. Sport Wales and Partners were grateful for the additional funding – albeit non-consolidated. The CEO thanked all the staff who were involved in the quick turnaround in relation to distributing the funds.

5.4        Anti-Doping Report - SW(24)37

A decision paper was submitted to the Board. We need to have a Champion on the Board for such matters, as Leigh Robinson’s term ends. It was agreed to delegate the Chair to discuss and appoint outside of the meeting and report at the next Board.

Action – Chair process and decision.

6     Finance & Risk

6.1      Statutory Accounts 2023/24; SCW Consolidated; SCW Trust; Lottery; Audit Wales ISA260; National Audit Office ISA260 – Paper SW(24)38

To provide Board with a summary of the key points from the audit of the draft year-end financial statements as at 31 March 2024 and to request approval for the Accounts. Chair (MV) of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) confirmed that committee members had endorsed the accounts at the September ARAC meeting (subject to some pension changes which have been identified in the paper and subsequently resolved and audited). MV congratulated the team on an excellent piece of work in producing such accounts.

BOARD APPROVED the Sport Wales Trust, Consolidated and Lottery draft financial statements for 2023/24.

6.2        Finance Report - SW(24)39

An information paper was submitted to the Board noting the financial position for the five months up to 31 August 2024.In February, Board approved the budget with a £504k deficit and following budget review meetings analysing Q1 activity, this is broadly the position. The quarter 2 update will provide more certainty and the situation regarding the pension fund status ought to be confirmed.

7     Board Groups & Standing Committee reports

7.1        Summary of Subgroups - SW(24)40

This paper summarised the discussions and decisions of the Board’s sub-group meetings since the previous Board meeting. Any substantial updates or issues requiring decisions are presented within separate papers.

8     Any Other Business

  • There was widespread agreement that the Annual Report was an excellent presentation of the work of both Sport Wales and the sector, however, it was also agreed that a more in-depth session with Board members on the Vision, Strategy and impact of both would be welcomed. Sometime ago an exercise was conducted by Board to check on the relevance of the Strategy post COVID, so a further session would be timely with new Board membership, etc.
  • Members agreed it was useful to have met the new Chair and CEO of the West Wales Sport Partnership and that it was important to take at least one Board meeting outside of Cardiff. There was strong support for returning to Plas Menai next year.
  • It was suggested that a briefing note on the Sports Councils Equality Group (SCEG) work on transgender participation in sport would be a useful reference for Board members. The CEO agreed to circulate a relevant document.
  • Board members on the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee were keen to praise the Finance team for their diligent work in relation to this and recent years Audit results.

There being no further business. Chair thanked all for attending. meeting closed at 1240pm.

9      Date of next meetings: 

22 November 2024, 21 February 2025, 16 May 2025, 18 July 2025, 19 September 2025, 21 November 2025


The minutes are due to be approved by the Board at its meeting on 22 November 2024.