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Board Minutes - July 2024

Meeting of the Sport Wales Board on Friday 12 July 2024 at the Sport Wales National Centre

Present: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson (Chair), Ian Bancroft (Vice Chair), Delyth Evans, Nicola Mead-Batten, Prof Leigh Robinson, Judi Rhys, Rajma Begum, Philip Tilley, Nuria Zolle, Chris Jenkins, Rhian Gibson, Martin Veale, Dafydd Davies

Staff Brian Davies (CEO), Emma Wilkins, Graham Williams, Owen Lewis, James Owens, Rachel Davies, Wendy Yardley (minutes). Dan Grimstead and Cath Shearer for item 5.5

Staff Observers:

External: Neil Welch (Welsh Government), Princess Onyeanusi, Abiola Adio (WG public body board diversity), Dame Katherine Grainger (UKSport)

1.   Welcome/Apologies for absence

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting, including Dafydd Davies who had returned from secondment and a special welcome to Dame Katherine Grainger, Chair UKSport. Apologies had been received from Hannah Bruce. The Chair noted that the July board met historically to sign off Accounts, however this is now pushed back to September as a consequence of Audit Wales timetabling.

2.   Declaration of interests (if new)

Board members updated their declarations of interest as follows: -

Ian Bancroft – CEO Wrexham CBC, reiterated his substantive role in relation to any discussion on Sport Partnerships and, similarly, Phil Tilley declared his Board role with Newport Live.

Martin Veale declared an interest in relation to paper 5.2 as he is a School Governor at Hawthorn School and Chris Jenkins declared an interest in any discussions on Commonwealth Games.

3.   Minutes of the last meetings

3.1        Minutes, Action Log, Decision Trackers & Matters Arising

Notes from the meeting dated 17 May 2024 were agreed as a true record. All actions completed.

3.2        Decision Tracker

No actions outstanding.

4.   Chair & Executive Report – SW(24)22

4.1      The CEO added the following to the report:

  • Verbal update on bi-annual meeting with Cabinet Secretary. Although brief we still managed to stress the recent progress on Sports Partnerships; identified some frustration with PHW partnership working and secured commitment for longer meeting, in August, at Plas Menai. Extension to terms of immediately retiring Board members agreed and second cohort to be approved subsequently.
  • WRU Review update – the third member of the Oversight Group, Chaired by Dame Anne Rafferty, has been confirmed as Rachel Brace (Director HR of The FA).
  • Suspension by the FAW of its President – independent legal process underway and FAW has offered assurances about the situation in relation to its commitments to Sport Wales.
  • Sports Cabinet – New UK Gov roles: Secretary of State for Wales (Jo Stephens MP), Lisa Nandy MP is the Secretary of State for DCMS and Stephanie Peacock MP the Minister for Sport.
  • PHW – little progress since last meeting, but further endeavours will be undertaken.
  • The Executive and Board wished to place on the record their thanks to Steven Morgan (previously Manager at Plas Menai who has resigned) for his notable contribution and service,.
  • Pension Arrangements – thanks go to Neil Welch and Welsh Government colleagues for concluding the issue. Awaiting an official letter for the Actuaries.
  • UKSport System Master Planning process – supportive of principles and process but beginning to see stress operationally. Not unexpected as some structural changes being discussed.
  • Olympics. Welsh or Welsh based athletes contributing 10% (33) of TeamGB.  Currently 16 Paralympic athletes (similarly likely to be 10%). TeamGB’s Performance Analysis remote hub will be based in Taff suite for the duration of the Olympics.
  • CWG –an update was provided by CJ. In summary, additional time is required to develop a solution for 2026 but equally as important, it is evident that the CGF has needed to re-set and re-frame the Commonwealth Games, moving to sustainable model. In addition, the profile of sport within the Commonwealth and with its Governments needs to be raised, stressing the value and power of sport to effect change.  Paper has been prepared for the Sports Ministers Meeting in Paris. CEO added that we are working closely with Team Wales in preparation for the various 2026 scenarios.
  • “EveryWoman” event in Cardiff – TGT attended and commended the excellent work of the Institute staff. Worth exploring how to extend content to a wider audience to ensure greater effectiveness.
  • It was noted that we hosted a Future Generations Commissioners team meeting at Sport Wales National Centre, helping to build connectivity between the organisations.

5.   Policy & Strategy

5.1        Business Plan Update Report SW(24)23

A discussion paper to update Board on specific areas of work since the last meeting. There have been some refinements to internal reporting processes e.g. six-weekly reporting rather than monthly.

Highlights: Progress in Sports Partnerships; Energy Saving Grants – 164 received (excellent work from Investment and Communications Teams).

Area needing focus: progress with PHW.

Board discussed the potential for more Macro/Quantitative reporting. This tally’s with some of the Audit Wales (AW) report in relation to our Future Generations commitments. Some explorative work with Natural Resources Wales (as identified by AW) will be undertaken after the summer break.

5.2        Partner Progress / Learning SW(24)24

A discussion paper to update Board on discussions with, and insight from, Partners in the sector. JN was thanked for compiling the report. In summary, we are starting to see collaboration in action rather than just being discussed e.g. Wales Netball investing into a partnership with Street Games; Basketball Wales/Wales Netball joint staff appointment. Board members were also invited to a Partners “Lightening Learning” session on 17 July, to see various aspects of work being shared. Positive to reflect on solutions to previous problems or challenges. Update to be provided to Board on the Black Swimming Association/Swim Wales project.

5.3        Plas Menai Annual Report SW(24)25

A discussion paper to update Board. GW thanked CN for his help on the paper. An opportunity to scrutinise and reflect on the first year of Parkwood’s ten-year partnership. Can be summarised as “work in progress” but with some specific highlights to note and a recognition of the necessary scale of change. The learning curve for Parkwood has inevitably delayed some progress but are invested literally and figuratively in Plas Menai. The change of contractual position for seasonal instructors is a great example as is the introduction of apprenticeships, and also the significant growth in the uptake of swimming lessons from local children. The audited accounts should be available by the next Board meeting and whilst expenditure is broadly on track, continual monitoring against initial budget projections will be undertaken.

5.4        Capability Framework SW(24)26

This paper was accompanied by a presentation from JO who thanked Neil Emberton and team for their work on the project. Thanks also afforded to the four Board members who have supported & provided challenge to the team as part of the consultation work with Partners.

Good governance is a key foundation for the success of any organisation and this was an opportunity to update the framework to reflect societal changes and any important learnings. It was also a chance to streamline and review the interconnectivity between the Capability Framework and the GLFW.

Board members were asked to approve the 5 principal areas of the framework, the content of two of them (“Core” and “Good Practice”) and agree the next steps including the intent to finalise the detail and determine how the new framework will be assured and implemented.

Board approved Paper (subject to the maintenance of the gender parity narrative).

5.5        Athlete panel and wider athlete development (presentation)

Presentation by DG/CS. Some points of interest were noted by Dame Kath Grainger from a UKSport perspective.

5.6        UK Approach to Safe Sport SW(24)27

JO updated Board on the work that is being undertaken to develop a proposal for single framework for safe sport across the United Kingdom.

6     Finance & Risk

6.1     Finance Report SW(24)28

The Chair noted that this was the first report of 24/25 and RD confirmed that paper was for information only. No concerns or issues to note. The internal departmental budget reviews for Q1 conclude before the next Board and will inform the forecast position at that meeting. Audit had started and is also anticipated to conclude by next Board.

6.2        Corporate Risk Register SW(24)29

Board were asked to note the current Corporate Risk Register with one point to highlight, namely the temporary elevated risk related to cyber security as a consequence of the forthcoming Olympics/Paralympics and consequent mitigating measures that are being implemented.

7     Board Groups & Standing Committee reports

7.1        Summary of Subgroups SW(24)30

This paper summarised the discussions and decisions of the Board’s sub-group meetings since the previous Board meeting. Any substantial updates or issues requiring decisions are presented within separate papers.

7.2        Annual Report of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee SW(24)31

The paper was for Board to consider the work of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee throughout 2023-24. MV the Chair of ARAC highlighted that Deloitte (outgoing auditor) had noted good internal processes and gave praise to the whole finance team. With the term of one external member ending a new member, Andy Butler has been appointed. Internal audit is to be carried out by RSM.

8     Any Other Business

September Board meeting to be held in West Wales – Village Hotel, Swansea for the night before Board (19 September). Board Meeting venue still tbc.

9     Date of next meetings: 20 September 2024

22 November 2024 (Swansea).

Provisional 2025 dates – 21 February, 16 May, 18 July, 19 September, 21 November


The minutes were approved by the Board at its meeting on 20 September 2024.