Main findings of the 2018 Sport Wales School Sport Survey
The results show that the increase seen from 2011 to 2015 in previous surveys has been sustained, with 48% of young people taking part in sport three or more times a week in addition to timetabled PE lessons.
The 2018 figures also suggest a close in the participation gap for some under-represented groups.
- 45% of children with a disability or impairment are now taking part in sport three or more times a week (in addition to timetabled PE lessons), up from 40% in 2015. The figure shows an even greater increase when responses from Special Educational Needs schools are added in, taking the figure up to 47%.
- The lowest participating ethnic minority group, Asian British, has increased regular participants from 36% to 40%, bringing them closer to the national average.
- Meanwhile there looks to be a more stubborn gap between the most and least deprived, with 42% of children from the most deprived households taking part three or more times a week (in addition to timetabled PE lessons), down from 43% in 2015.
For the first time, young people have been able to identify their gender as male, female or other, providing a wealth of new insight.
In 2018, 46% of girls took part in sport three or more times a week in comparison to 50% of boys. In 2015, 44% of girls and 52% of boys stated that they regularly took part. Although direct comparisons cannot be made due to the new question dynamic, the figures suggest a potential close in the gender gap.
39% of those responding as 'other' have stated that they take part three or more times a week.