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Section 10 - Individuals recorded on CCTV

What personal information we will use?    

Your image captured on our CCTV security cameras

How we will obtain the personal information?       

Recorded on our CCTV system when you use our facilities. 

What purposes we will use the personal information for?       

To prevent crime and protect buildings and assets from damage, disruption, vandalism and other crime;

For the personal safety of staff, visitors and other members of the public, and to act as a deterrent against crime;

Assisting in the maintenance of public order;

To support law enforcement bodies in the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of crime;

To provide assistance with civil claims;

To assist in day-to-day management, including ensuring the health and safety of staff and others.

The legal grounds we rely upon

The substantial public interest in preventing and detecting unlawful acts.

How long we retain the personal information and why?           

Data recorded by the CCTV system will be digitally recorded and stored securely on hard drives. The digital recording system will automatically overwrite old images with newer data every 30 days.

Where footage has been requested by the police, prosecution agencies, legal representatives or people whose images have been recorded and retained the usual retention period may be overridden and the footage will be retained until the matter is resolved.

Who we share the personal information with?       

The police;

Prosecution agencies;

Relevant legal representatives;