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Physical Literacy

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Our objective is simple – that every person is Wales is Physically Literate.

What is Physical Literacy?

Physical Skills + Confidence + Motivation + Knowledge + Understanding = Physical Literacy 

With these elements a person is more likely to be physically literate – be happy, healthy and confident – and have the tools to enjoy being active.


What do we mean by physical skills?

When a child is learning to read they first learn words such as cat, sat, mat.  Similarly as a child learns physical skills they learn skills such as how to run, jump, throw and balance. 

Children then string words together into sentences and read them.  In the same way, physical skills are linked together to create movement phrases and perform activities such as riding a bike, swimming or performing the triple jump.

What do we mean by Confidence + Motivation?

Developing the right skills to allow them to try anything in a fun and safe environment means a child will grow up enjoying sport and physical activity.

These positive experiences will allow this child to build an intrinsic motivation, along with a confidence in their ability, to always want to be physically active.

They will develop into an adult who has the necessary skills to participate and enjoy sport and physical activity throughout life at whatever level they chose, whether recreationally or competitively. 

The important component of this element is that the child is exposed to positive, fun and safe experiences, capturing their natural motivation while they are young; when they will try anything! 

What do we mean by Knowledge and Understanding? 

It is essential that there is the ‘Knowledge and Understanding’ of how to transfer skills and confidence into different and changing environments and life situations?

This will mean a more rounded person who is able to enjoy a range of sports and activities. 

The Physical Literacy Journey

Physical literacy isn’t just about young people. It is a journey from birth through school years, adulthood and into later life – with experiences along the way all contributing to a person’s physical literacy. 


It is important in the early years to explore and have fun with parents or carers. And it is just as important to be a role model in the senior years, by passing on lessons learnt and key aspects of knowledge to the next generation. 

We want everyone, including children, parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches and young leaders to play their part in the physical literacy journey.