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Our Duties

We want to enable sport in Wales to thrive so that everyone can be active and have a lifelong enjoyment of sport.

And as a publicly funded body we have a responsibility to understand the needs and circumstances of everyone who wants to take part in sport, regardless of their circumstances.

We want sport to be diverse and inclusive so that everyone can feel confident and enjoy all the benefits that sport offers. 

As a public body we are bound by public duties, which means that we must consider and demonstrate how we can contribute to a more equal, fairer, sustainable and prosperous Wales that is fit for future generations.

As well as having a duty towards those who take part in sport, our responsibilities extend to how we employ and look after our staff. 

What duties do we need to meet?

Well-Being of Future Generations Wales Act, 2015.

The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.

The Act sets out 7 national goals. Public bodies are required to show how they will contribute to the goals through clear objectives. Sport Wales’s strategic intents have been developed to also act as our Well-being objectives. You can find out more on the strategic intents in the Sport Wales strategy.


The Equality Act 

The Equality Act 2010 ensures that those bodies carrying out a public function contribute to a fairer society through promoting equality in the workplace and through the services we offer. The Act legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.

Sport Wales are required to publish equality objectives every four years and to annually report progress against them. We also publish staff profile data and through our integrated annual plan showcase examples of our work.

Sport Wales Strategic Equalities Plan 2020-2024

An integrated approach to planning and reporting.

Both our well-being Objectives and our Equality Objectives will be measures through our organisational outcomes framework and will be aligned to our strategic intent. 

In April 2019 we published our first integrated progress report to detail how we are meeting our duties under the well-being of Future Generations and Equality act. 

Sport Wales Integrated Annual Report 2020-2021

Sport Wales Integrated Annual Report 2019-2020

Sport Wales Integrated Annual Report 2018-2019

Staff data

Diversity breakdown of the staff at Sport Wales. It is provided at the discretion of staff through a live system and therefore maybe subject to change.

Welsh Language Act

The Welsh Language Act 1993 is an Act of the Parliament, which put the Welsh language on an equal footing with the English language in Wales with regard to the public sector.

In providing services to the public, Sport Wales is committed to the principle that the Welsh and English language should be treated equally.

The Welsh Language Standards report for 2020-21 features within the Integrated Annual Report 2020-21.

Sport Wales Welsh Language Standards

Welsh Language Policy on Grants