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Wales Activity Tracker

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Sport Wales teamed up with Savanta to get an insight into the nation’s activity habits and behaviours. Put in place to track activity levels during the Coronavirus pandemic, the survey has continued regularly to check activity levels in Wales.

The surveys, run at different points of the year, provide a snapshot on physical activity and sport, as well as the attitude of people in Wales towards exercise.

The data has been weighted to be demographically representative of Welsh adults 16+ by gender, age and the estimated households with children under 16.

View the reports in Cymraeg. Or, for more information email

Wales Activity Tracker Survey 12 - April 2024

Savanta interviewed 1,094 respondents aged 16+ online between 26th - 30th April 2024.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 11 - January 2024

Savanta interviewed 1,016 respondents aged 16+ online between 26th - 31st January 2024.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 10 - October 2023

Savanta interviewed 1,027 respondents aged 16+ online between 27th October - 31st October 2023.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 9 - August 2023

Savanta interviewed 1,063 respondents aged 16+ online between 27th July - 31st July 2023.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 8 - April 2023

Savanta interviewed 1,049 respondents aged 16+ online between 21st April and 24th April 2023.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 7 - January 2023

Savanta interviewed 1,035 respondents aged 16+ online between 6th January and 9th January 2023.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 6 – August 2022

Savanta interviewed 1,025 respondents aged 16+ online between 19th August and 22nd August 2022. Savanta…

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 5 – February 2022

Savanta ComRes interviewed 1,037 Welsh adults (16+) online from the 18th February to 21st February 2022.…

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 4 - August 2021

The fourth survey of sport and physical activity in Wales during the pandemic.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 1 – May 2020

The first survey of Coronavirus and physical activity in Wales.

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Welsh Activity Tracker Survey 2 – October 2020

The second survey of Coronavirus and physical activity in Wales.

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Wales Activity Tracker Survey 3 – March 2021

The third survey of sport and physical activity in Wales during the pandemic.

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