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Prepare for change

Digital strategy will fall flat if it isn’t introduced in an environment that is open to change.  It often involves transitioning to a new way of working which needs buy in across organisations if it is to be a success.

Who to involve

You should try and involve a wide range of team members in this stage of digital transformation - the more people on board, the higher the likelihood of success.  As a minimum, getting representation from key departments may be a good fallback. 

What to do

You are aiming to lay a good foundation for change amongst your staff, particularly those who will be affected by or involved in changes as a result of your digital strategy.  You want to let your staff team know what you are doing and why, as well as the potential impact.

If you have carried out workshops, interviews or surveys to gather input from staff then you could follow on from that engagement, reporting back to all staff on the value proposition of digital transformation and some of the opportunities and barriers you are looking to explore as a priority. 

Having aligned your stakeholders or board in the previous step, you should involve them in your messaging so that change culture is affirmed across the organisation. 

At this stage it can be helpful to identify a core team of representatives across the organisation to be involved in defining the digital strategy - involving staff members who showed interest and enthusiasm in the workshops/interviews could be a good place to start. 


On completion of this step, you should have:

  • Communicated what you are doing and why, as well as the potential benefits.
  • Reaffirmed buy in of the board
  • Identified a cross organisational team to support your digital strategy and transformation.