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Learning Series: Thursday 20th May

Thursday 20th May: Scroll down to catch up on live sessions

Thank you to everyone that joined us for one or more of the day's sessions. For those of you that are tuning in at a later date, we hope you take away some learning that makes a difference to you.

Inclusive Leadership with Amanda Bennett, Fair Play Ltd

Live session recording available soon...

In this session Amanda explored the language and meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion. We build an understanding of how inequality and exclusion manifest themselves in organisations and explore inclusive leadership traits and behaviours. 

If you would like a copy of the slide deck used in this session please contact

Here are some further reading recommendations from Amanda:

We have recorded a short conversation about what is E, D & I, you can listen here.

Netball team celebrate in huddle on court

The Thinking Environment®; Getting Voices and Brains into the room with steph vidal-Hall

In this session Steph delivered a practical experience of simple tools to create a Thinking Environment® and to host meetings that engage everyone in the room, where diverse thinking and perspectives can be both heard and acted on. 

If you would like a copy of the slide deck used in this session please contact

For further reading Steph recommends:


Nancy Kline, More Time to Think,

Nancy Kline, The Promise That Changes Everything

Magaret Heffernan, Beyond Measure


Amy Edmondson, Building a psychologically safe workplace, TED talk 

Steph Vidal-Hall Coaching for Creatives, YouTube 


Netball team celebrate in huddle on court

Feedback as a Tool for Growth with Trudy Wright

Skilled feedback is a powerful leadership tool for growth and development.  In this session Trudy clarifies the difference between criticism and feedback, considered how to approach asking for, as well as giving feedback, and introduced a feedback protocol which will always work.

If you would like a copy of the slide deck used in this session please contact

For further reading Trudy recommends:


LeeAnn Renniger: The secret to giving great feedback (Ted series – 5 mins)

Simon Sinek: Feedback is a Gift (9 mins)


Manager as Coach, Jenny Rogers with Karen Whittleworth & Andrew Gilbert

Netball team celebrate in huddle on court

Agile Planning with Andy Brogan

In a complex and unpredictable world, staying on track with "the plan" can leave us off track with reality; busy delivering the things that once seemed right but which may no longer be fit for purpose.

So how do we keep our approach to plans and planning agile and responsive; capable of flexing as reality reveals itself but giving sufficient structure and intention for people to coordinate and for organisations to take a long-term view?

In this short session Andy explored some simple approaches to planning that equip people to act with clarity and purpose, while helping them to stay agile and learning led.

If you would like a copy of the slide deck used in this session please contact

Netball team celebrate in huddle on court

Performance Readiness with Dr. Chris Shambrook

“It never gets easier; you just perform better. As well as this being an essential mindset for athletes, it's an outlook that can drive powerful individual and collective approaches to performance for everyone involved in the pursuit of sporting success. This session will give you the chance to extend the same level of forensic preparation provided to athletes to yourself. Are you ready to perform?"

If you would like a copy of the slide deck used in this session please contact

For further reading Chris recommends:

Challenging conditions are where high performers love to be

If you’d like to access the Planet K2 Performance Pie Ready Reckoner tool then please email

Netball team celebrate in huddle on court