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Learning Series 2021

If change is the new constant, how can we equip ourselves and those around us to perform well in this environment? 


As restrictions are easing and we work with our communities to open up more opportunities for sport and physical activity, it will be easy for us to start racing on our hamster wheels again! 

During this Learning Series we had the opportunity to invest time and collectively consider how we can be at our most resourceful in an environment which continually evolves.

You can discover and re-watch the series content by clicking on the tiles below. 

Take Time to Reflect

We invite you to reflect on your experience of the Learning Series, 

  • What are your key takeaways from the learning Series?
  • What messages resonated with you the most?
  • Take three messages, how can you apply them to your role? To your life?

If you are happy to share we’d love to hear what you have taken away and how you plan to apply this learning. 

Get in touch and share your feedback!

This is the first Learning Series we have hosted and we’d really value hearing your thoughts, when you have a moment we are interested to learn:

  • What you might like more of or less of?
  • If we were to run todays sessions again what do you think we could do differently? 
  • What made your attendance at the session(s) time well spent? 
  • What is your biggest takeaway from the session (s)?
  • Anything else you’d like to share

If you’d prefer to chat through your feedback then please do get in touch with Claire Ewing ( or Eleanor Owenr( and we can book in a time to talk. 

We have loved learning with you, thank you for your time and energy!

