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Back in the Game

It’s time to get back in the game.

As Wales continues to emerge from lockdown, the nation is being urged to get ‘back in the game’ by maximising every opportunity to get active.

Thanks to the improving public health situation, adults and children in Wales are now able to return to the majority of sports and fitness activities they loved before the pandemic struck.

Whether that means being part of a team once more, achieving that feeling you get from a proper workout,  catching up with friends, unleashing your competitive side, or the simple pleasure of sinking a putt, it’s time for Wales to have fun again.


To help spread the word, here’s three ways you can support on social…

  1. How: Posts about the opening of facilities and how people can return to sport.​
  2. Why: Posts encouraging people in your community to get back in the game and reconnect with the sport they love.​
  3. Who: Share positive and uplifting stories of your experiences getting back in the game.​

Always use #BackinTheGame on posts​

Woman sitting in chair on a basketball court holding a ball, with the words Back in the Game